Tag Archives: truth

Kompa Makes Me Laugh

The great world wide web is wonderful for so many things. It allows me to connect with distant friends, it gives me sought after information right at my fingertips and it allows me to write my thoughts and have them read by people who are not in my walking world. All these amazing things are possible, however since my unemployment began I have noticed a flaw in this online world we have embraced. Applying for jobs!

Job after job is posted daily. And I apply daily. Or do I? Is it really me who is applying for these jobs or merely a detached resume. Personality is lost in this world of remote job seeking. We are reduced to a list of experience and accomplishments. I don’t know about you, but I am more than my resume. I am much more than my past experience. I am a person with abilities that cannot be expressed in a format of dates and headings. I am a living thinking, breathing person.

Hundreds of resumes sent out into the vast universe of cyber job seeking and no replies. Not a peep. My resume is strong but I know it is one of the thousands that are being sent to each job. Without the personal touch that sets us apart form each other, how are these decisions being made. Has it become so impersonal that potential employers cannot fathom the thought,  that at the end of every resume, is a person waiting nervously to hear some news. Have we all been reduced to nothing but our past on paper?

As I sit here and ruminate  on the present state of our cyber existence, Kompa is running around the living room happily with an empty milk carton in his mouth. Kompa likes to recycle the recycling, an annoying habit but  Kompa is here. Kompa appreciates the person that I am and he does not care a fig about my past experience.

Kompa flips the milk carton into the air and catches it. He comes to me for a pat of approval. In this ever expanding world of internet and detachment,Kompa is real and as always Kompa makes me laugh.


Kompa as always Makes me Laaugh

After hours upon hours of relentless rain the sun is shining. Even the new tentative blades of grass seem to be dancing in the aftermath. It is funny how we do not embrace the rain in our lives. The literal rain and figurative. Unemployment is akin to rain. You are limited in your movement, you wait for it to let up and you dream of sunshine. I think just as the rain has made the grass dance, this period of downpour in my life will make me sing. Oh wait how did Kompa make me laugh that ties into this. The biggest, and I mean the biggest and the muddiest puddle  to be found in this vast city, was the one that Kompa chose not only step into, but to splash and celebrate with abandon. As always Kompa makes me laugh.